Monday, October 16, 2017

{Fierce Love}

"For a long time haters spoke and too many of us just rolled our eyes. Now, when hate speaks, it's very important that fierce love speak back."
~Marianne Williamson
author of 
A Return to LoveThe Age of MiraclesTears to Triumph


Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

{It's Your Day!)

Celebrating the United Nations' "International Day of the Girl"....every day!!

Enjoy these inspiring words and lovely artwork in "Girls Speak Out on Inequality" from the United Nations Population Fund website.
Hear these amazing voices of girls speaking out about "Girl Power" ... thank you, United Nations!

And I love the message of the Right to Play website. One of the girls featured is Khansa ... her love of playing soccer gave her the courage to say 'no' to any early marriage and to convince her parents to let her stay in school!

Go hug a little girl today!! xoxo