Monday, March 20, 2017

{Springtime Magick}

My friend Elizabeth Locey (Priestess Extraordinaire), shared about this first day of Spring Equinox magick:

"Today is the beginning of a new cycle, the new astrological year as the Sun crossed from the last sign of the zodiac (Pisces) into Aries, the first sign, this morning. In the Northern Hemisphere, today is the first official day of Spring, but traditionally (before Julius Caesar imposed his calendar with a random January 1st new year, and even well beyond that for the agrarian people who were more connected to the cycles of the Earth) this was celebrated as the new year. In modern Iran, it is still the New Year, the Persian calendar having its roots in Zoroastrianism.

"Today is a High Holy Day, one of the 8 spokes in the Wheel of the Year, made up of the 2 equinoxes, the 2 solstices, and 4 cross-quarter days. If you are located in the Northern Hemisphere, I encourage you to take some time today to go outside to commune with the Earth, and celebrate Spring. Look for shoots of new growth in nature, and let your heart overflow with gratitude at the bounty that is provided to us. Remember that we always have everything we need, if we only look hard enough and connect to Gaia’s infinite energy."

I love that we share this history, this ancient wisdom, this mythology of life with our daughters and sons! Connecting to the heart and soul of life connects us more deeply to each other, yes

Abundant Springtime to us all...and enjoy a bit of out-of-doors every day!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

{Celebrating Women}

Celebrating International Women's Day is a celebration for the well-being of everyone, for the vibrancy of the planet, and the beauty of it all!  

“If the world can be saved, it will be women who do that.
And they do not do it with wars. They do it with words.”
-Vigdis Finnbogadottir, the world's first democratically elected female president (Iceland 1980-1996)

Let your brilliance word and deed! xoxo